30 Mar

I got chatting with Lucy Wyndham-Read, YouTube Lifestyle Motivator and Fitness Expert about scent and a few other things.......

How have you survived the months of lockdown?

Since lockdown I have been on a mission to provide free home workouts, and I started filming my workouts at home instead of my studio in London.  This has kept me busy and more than anything has helped so many people and as they say a great way to make you feel good is to help others.

Are scented candles part of your relaxation routine?

I have always loved candles, to me they give a sense of coziness and they take me back to childhood.  I remember being a child and living in the middle of nowhere, we would often have power cuts, my mum would light candles and it would feel so comforting.

What has kept you smiling?

I suppose hope that better days will come.  I have like most, so enjoyed walking, and seeing nature and wildlife makes me smile.

What won't you take for granted again post lockdown?

The ability to jump on a plane or even just go out for dinner with friends.

Do you have a  morning routine?

Very much - I live by routine and if it gets broken I feel lost, so no matter what I stick to it. First thing no matter the weather I head out for a walk at 7am and this is the time I plan my day, as in creative content for social media.  Then it is normally filming something for that day,  I then  head into my office with a pitstop coffee (I am a flat white addict).  Once in the office the first job is emails followed by breakfast, I am then all set for the day.

How do you relax?

Baths are my go to for relaxing, I can easily spend an hour relaxing in the bath - to me it feels like all the stress of a busy day gets washed away.

Is scent important to you?

Yes very much and funnily enough even more so since lockdown, I have found that scent is great for calming and also can feel like a decadent treat!

Which scents are your favourite?

Anything citrus, to me that smells energising and positive.

Do you have a memorable memory connected to scent?

There is a perfume that when I smell it, it takes me back to a magical evening at a beautiful restaurant up in the mountains in the South of France. A 15th century village called Eze, it was like going back in time and it was dinner under the stars by candlelight.

You have made a career from physical fitness and wellbeing.  Is there one particular tip or piece of advice that you can give someone who wants to make life changes and become a healthier, happier person?

The best advice is to make it a lifestyle.  Find the workouts that you enjoy, as this way you will stick to them, and also educate yourself on healthy eating.  I always say knowledge is power, the more we understand the easier it is to make the right choices. 


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